netPark Pay (Credit Card & ACH Processing)

Possible Outage


All point-of-sale EMV transactions should be running normally now. If you are experience any issues, please reach out to netPark Support (


WorldPay is continuing to work on the problem. They’ve made some server adjustments that is improving the situation. Most point-of-sale EMV transactions should go through at this point, but there may be times where the transaction performs slowly or fails still.


After additional review the issue looks to be just for Point of Sale EMV readers (does not include Self Park EMV readers). Non-EMV devices (i.e. SRED Key & Key2) devices and on-file cards are still working as expected.


We’ve received a few messages on credit card readers being unable to process transactions. We’re currently reviewing and will provide any additional details as they come up.

We have had some reports of potential issues with another processor as well. This may indicate an Internet-level issue that affects multiple processors.