Websites Pourcentage de disponibilitéChargement...
Websites Temps de génération de contenu (ms)Chargement...
API Pourcentage de disponibilitéChargement...
API Temps au premier octet (ms)Chargement...
netPark Pourcentage de disponibilitéChargement...
netPark Temps au premier octet (ms)Chargement...
E-Parking Services Pourcentage de disponibilitéChargement...
E-Parking Services Temps au premier octet (ms)Chargement...
Credit Card Processing (Legacy) Pourcentage de disponibilitéChargement...
Credit Card Processing (Legacy) Temps au premier octet (ms)Chargement...
netPark Pay (Credit Card & ACH Processing) Pourcentage de disponibilitéChargement...
netPark Pay (Credit Card & ACH Processing) Temps au premier octet (ms)Chargement...
Welcome to the netPark Status Page! This page provides a view into the various components and services used by the netPark system and their current uptime status. To receive status updates on any planned downtime or any unexpected outages, make sure to subscribe!
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netPark Outage - Oct. 17th 2024 | US-EAST-2 Region AWS Outage
7 services concernés:
- Services / netPark
- Services / Credit Card Processing (Legacy)
- Services / API
- Services / Websites
- Services / E-Parking Services
- Services / Texting
- Services / netPark Pay (Credit Card & ACH Processing)
Aucun événement pour 6 jours!
Service dégradé
Services / Websites